Sunday, July 26, 2009

Co-parenting Narrative

The show will be written as a flashback with Ann Russell being the narrator looking back. The program will run in an episodic situation comedy style as described in Critical Approaches to Television where according to Newcomb. Each episode will have "a sequence of four actions: setting a situation, complicating it, turning the world upside down in an episode of “uproar,” and then resolving the situation (the denounement). (p.77) Newcomb also stated, "Because episodic shows end with their problems neatly resolved on a weekly basis, there is little chance for sophisticated studies of human turmoil…The lack of continuality (memory, reflection) limits televisions serious effect in our lives."

Understanding that the purpose of television programing is to sell products and entertain, keeping the show at a half-hour episodic situation comedy will allow it to be light-hearted enough that people can bond but not stress over.

Program Setting

The Ms. Adventures of Co-parenting will consider this home in Kent, New York to be the primary setting of the show.
The location of the show was chosen because it is a suburban area that is a commutable distance from Manhattan, where Ann works, but is realistically feasible for the group to afford.
The home offers 4 bedrooms- 1 for each parent and 1 bedroom for the girls and 1 bedroom for the boys; and 2 bathrooms.
photo from: